Not Alone

2 min readNov 12, 2021

Listen while you read.

I used to dread being alone, always searched for company without realizing.

Three years of isolation in a foreign country that I dare call home changed me slowly

This change came with tears and different phases of self awareness, self reconstruction and then finally transformation (or so I thought)

I’m on a journey of my own, a journey to myself, discovering what a masterpiece I am and was created to be. Trying to avoid seeking validation from anyone because I have all the validity I need from God and myself. Encouragements from people are still welcome, which I also choose to give others

I am breathing easily, …(or so I believe)

My boredom is now occupied.. I hardly pay it any attention. (More often than not)

My impulsive need to always communicate slowly decreased.. (its true)

Self control is here to stay

Not all my days are that easy though. And sometimes I crave that honest communication with people I care about. Having meaningful and funny conversations go a long way.

I also thank God for showing me the cracks in my heart that needed to be filled and helping me repair them (This happens a lot)

I wanna be even stronger and self aware, loving my own company more than anyone else’s.

I want my worries to last for a little while without cramping my thought process. Yes there’s challenges and unfulfilled goals and confusion in between. I wanna take steps to fulfil them, pray and leave the rest to God and be happy. Really happy..




This is my attempt at trying to construct and communicate my perspectives on the human condition